Objectives of the nursing program:

The graduates of certificate in health science nursing will be able to:

  • Utilize basic nursing knowledge (pain management, basic technical skills, health teaching, and communication skills) to care the sick and injured people.
  • Apply sound body of knowledge base on care of individual, family and community.
  • Draw on content from other science and humanities relevant to nursing practice (eg. path physiology, pharmacology, microbiology, human growth and development, nutrition and mental health concepts).
  • Utilize nursing process in care if individual, family and community.
  • Assume leadership role in hospital and community setting.
  • Mobilize the community to promote their health and prevent diseases in the community.
  • Be aware of the leadership principle and process knowledge about therapeutic communication skills along with skills in negotiation, conflict management and advocacy.
  • Apply knowledge and critical thinking skills in their nursing practice.
  • Show initiative and self-awareness in seeking help.
  • Document their nursing practice in an accurate and timely way.
  • Consistently apply safety principles in the provision of holistic, client-centered care.
  • Develop and coordinate partnership relationship with other members of a multi-disciplinary health care team to ensure continuity of health and illness care for clients.
  • Accept responsibilities and accountability for their nursing practice.
  • Seek of opportunity for personal and professional growth.
  • Possess basic computer knowledge.
  • Conduct a simple research and know how to locate research findings in nursing and related field to inform their nursing practice.

Total Seat:- 40

Curriculum Objective

The objectives of this curriculum for certificate in Health Science Nursing Program is to produce nurse who on completion of three years of course will be competent to assume the role of mid level health manpower to carry out preventive, curative, promotive and rehabilitative roles in the hospital and community setting. This curriculum is community oriented, has integrated teaching learning of the various subjects and encourages problem-based learning.

Selection Criteria

  • Entrance examination will be compulsory
  • Personal interview
  • Academic achievement in the School Leaving Certificate or equivalent examination
  • Candidates will be selected on the basis of merit by the School of Medical science.


The successful candidates will be awarded the degree of "Certificate Level in Health Science (Nursing) by the University.

 Admission Eligiblity

  • SEE- Minimum C grade in all subjects or equivalent degree.
  • Pass in Entrance Examination and followed by Interview

Fee Structure 2019



  • At Admission : NRs.1,95,000/-
  • Beginning Of 2nd Year: NRs. 102,000/-
  • Beginning of 3rd Year: NRs. 106,000/-
  • Total: NRs. 4,03,000/-

Hostel Fee : NRs. 2,000 per month (Only residential)

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